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Available Services

Benefit from 4 decades of proven Engineering and Supply Chain Cyber Security insights and experience

(Advisory, Coaching, Training, Evening Speaking Events)

  • Build on the proven approach from Procter & Gamble (P&G) - the world's biggest consumer goods company.

  • Reapply transformational leadership that enabled P&G supply chain operations to achieve best in class cyber security resiliency

  • Apply globally - leveraging diversity & scale learn from P&G cyber security capabilities applied across >100 manufacturing sites.

  • Achieve a step change in cyber security resilience as measured by NIST CSF & Dept of Energy (C2M2).

  • Nurture diverse future talent entering cyber security careers

Oil Refinery

INDUSTRYProvide industrial cyber security advisory services to consumer goods, pharmaceutical and other manufacturing companies, as successfully applied by comapnies such as P&G, with a focus on supply chains. Advise senior industry leaders on the roadmap to effectively & efficiently develop and apply a resilient cyber security ecosystem within an organization. 

Calibrate for sufficiency versus risk assessments and action plans within your enterprise - Is your plan complete providing the right resiliency?

Provision of company leadership advisory services & training

1. Risk assessments unique to Industrial Controls Systems.

2. Development of a cyber security resiliency plan that is comprehensive across IDENTIFY - PROTECT - DETECT - RESPOND - RECOVER

3. How to develop a compelling plan and communication strategy that engages all employees and builds their awareness and capability.

4. Transformational organizational design based on Galbraith Model to support a step change in cyber security resiliency.

5. How to get started with your multi year journeymap with annual measurable progress.


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PRIVATE - PUBLIC -PARTNERSHIPS : Provide pragmatic advice on how to affordable establish a cyber security strategy / approach for NGOs and other public entities. Advisory services include awareness & perspectives on good 'cyber hygiene', strategy & organizational design and establishment of a multi year risk based cyber security roadmap.

Bring us all to a level playing field so we can collectively improve our personal and organization cyber security resiliency.

Provide awareness and training sessions 

1. Foundational knowledge on the cyber risks we face from basic to sophisticated attack vectors.

2. Show that the risks are 'realtime' it's not a case of when an attack occurs but whether you see it today.

3. Examples of the 'real & present danger' that exists including human behavior that enables risks to materialize.

4. What good practices can we all adopt to minimize cyber risks and increase our resiliency.

5. Is the right organizational design in place? Apply, as needed, the Galbraith model (structure, tasks, people, rewards, decision making, information & culture) to ensure the organization is set up for success.


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Encourage more students to consider cyber security careers, bring more diversity to the cyber security & engineering communities. Provide 'applied cyber security' content to school and university cyber security courses. Provide via academic institutions and executive colleges training for small-medium enterprises on how to establish an information/cyber security program. 

EXECUTIVE TRAINING : Provide 1-6 hour courses on Applied Industrial Cyber Security (AICS).

1. Explain the expanding cyber security threat / risk landscape.

2. How to apply the AICS roadmap to an organization based on its unique risks and business needs.

3. What to consider when design a program incluidng organizational design.


UNIVERSITIES & SCHOOLS : Provide short courses on career opportunities.
1. Explain the expanding cyber security career landscape.
2. Detail cyber security careers with real world examples of cyber security threats and attacks.
3. Provide Q&A and guidance on how to consider a career in this field.

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